Saturday, March 22, 2014

My 10 goals for 2014

I think it's really important to set yourself some personal goals in life. I sure do. It gives me a chance to sit down and think about what I really want, and it also gives me motivation. People change and your goals will change as well, so once a year, take the time to make a list of 10 goals you want to achieve during the year.

Here are my 10 goals for 2014

  1. Blog as much as I can and increase my visibility as a blogger (Facebook, Twitter, G+, Bloglovin). I want to connect with as many people as I can while doing something I love, maybe even make some extra money.
  2. Start training 30 minutes, 3 times a week (walk,yoga).
  3. Start a vegetable garden (I have flower gardens and use to plant tomatoes within my flowers, but this year, I  want to grow a lot more than tomatoes).
  4. Go on a family trip (does not have to be Disney, but somewhere warm with a beach).
  5. Finish and decorate the basement (office, playroom, family room, craft room, laundry room).
  6. Have more family nights (restaurant, movies, picnics, fire outside...).
  7. Take more time for myself (pedicure, facial, massage).
  8. Reupholster dining room chairs.
  9. Drink more green tea.
  10. Go camping in a tent and cook food on the fire (even if it's just in our backyard).
What are your goals for 2014? Share them with me please.


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