Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I've Been Nominated For The Liebster Award!

OMG! Can you believe this? After two months of blogging, I've been nominated and have accepted the Liebster Award!!!
You are probably wondering what the Liebster Award is. Well it's an Award given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve to be noticed. The Liebster Award recognises the good work of new bloggers like me, and helps to get to know other new bloggers and make bloggy friends.

Here are the rules

1- Answer 11 questions of the person who nominated you.

2- State 11 facts about yourself.

3- Nominate 5 to 11 bloggers with less then 200 followers.

4- Create 11 questions to give to your nominees.

5- Have Fun!

The great blogger that nominated me is Leelee. She is so nice and helpful. Please stop by her blog and say hi, at Paper Bag Styling.

About Me

Here are my answers to her 11 questions:
  1. Why did you start blogging? I love sharing and connecting with people and I have so much to share! Starting to blog was one of the best decisions I've made, I really like it! 
  2. What is a secret talent you have? When I was younger, I used to be a pretty good dancer. I took lots of dance classes (ballet and jazz). A few months ago, I took a class just for fun, I had not danced it over 20 years. You know what? I think I'm still pretty good at it! 
  3. What do you do when you have free time? I blog or I garden, depending on the season, the time and the weather.
  4. What is your favorite color? I tough about that one for a while and I don't like my answer but it's black! Especially for clothes. Black makes me feel pretty and sexy!
  5. What is your favorite T.V. Show? I don't watch lots of TV (other from cartoons with the kids LOL), but I like watching anything on the Food Network.
  6. What is one thing that makes you actually LOL-laugh out loud? My kids! The things that they say sometimes! They are hilarious!
  7. What time of day do you blog/network/social media? I blog in the afternoon when I finish work (before the kids get home from school) and in the evening after I put the kids down for the night.
  8. What is your favorite accessory? Handbags!!!
  9. What is the most recent book you've read.....or magazine? LOL  The Boathouse, you can read my review HERE.
  10. If you were an "-aholic" what would that be? (mine is skittles-aholic,thrifting-aholic,magazine-aholic) Chips-aholic, wine&cheese-aholic, ipad-aholic.
  11. When you were a child, what did you dream of being? Did you do it? (thanks Janice!) I wanted to be a singer or a teacher. No I did not do it and I'm glad. I don't sing that well and I don't see myself being a teacher... 2 kids at the same time is enough for me! LOL


  1. I don't like winter and I'm not just saying that because winter was long this year.
  2. Even if I hate winter, my favourite Holiday is Christmas. I wish spring came 2 days after Christmas LOL.
  3. I used to bite my nails.
  4. I'm not a patient person, especially when I drive.
  5. I love to eat! I could never be on a diet.
  6. I keep the corks from wine bottles. I have a lot... Don't know what I'll do with them but I'm sure  I'll find some crafty project to make one day. 
  7. I'd rather eat 2 plates at supper then have dessert.
  8. I hate going to bed late and I sometimes refuse invitations just so I don't have to.
  9. I garden to relax and clear my mind.
  10. I love my cat and dog, but the hair everywhere is driving me CRAZY!!!
  11. I'm French.. 100% French. My husband is English and my kids are in French school but understand English pretty well. If you see mistakes on my blog, it's not my fault LOL.

I now nomitate those great ladies and blogs.

Melmar & Melhal at I'm Here She's There

Blonde short pixie in black and white

Sweet Turtle Soup

Courtney at Sweet Turtle Soup

Jamie Lynn at Cocktails & Carseats

I might have more nominations since I'm still waiting for answers from other bloggers. I will announce them in another post if they reply and accept.

So now here are my 11 questions for you ladies.

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What do you do to relax?
  3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
  4. Where do you get your inspiration for your blog.
  5. What is your best advice for new bloggers.
  6. Do you have a daily and yearly blog planner?
  7. What is your favourite food?
  8. What is your best recipe?
  9. What is your favourite magazine?
  10. What do you do to celebrate?
  11. Do you have animals?
Can't wait to see your answers and get to know you better! So now it's your turn.  Good luck for your search of new and upcoming blogs. I hope you have fun!


  1. Thanks for the nomination Caroline!!!


  2. You deserve it! Now have fun... Caroline

  3. Great post Caroline! I had no idea you were French! It seems we have a lot in hair all over the house...gardening...turning down invitations so I can go to you know...the important things. :P

  4. Thank you Leelee, I think we do have a lot in common :)

  5. Thanks again for the nomination, sorry it took me so long to pop over! I've been way too busy lately. Oy.

    Black is such a great color, I agree it makes me feel sexy too. Plus, so simple.
    I like to put food network on in the afternoons when I'm counting down the minutes until dad gets home! Love me some Pioneer Woman.
    When I lived in CO I so wished spring came on Jan 1st. I was over being frozen by then, but I enjoyed the cold and snow for Christmas and Thanksgiving.
    And, I'm totally with you on pet hair driving me crazy. Love my pups but they just need to stop shedding all over the tile. I hate vacuuming daily.
