Friday, May 23, 2014

Cleaning and Organizing Kitchen Cabinets

Is it Friday already? I was off this week and of course, the week went by so fast. Monday and Tuesday I did some gardening while the kids played outside. Wednesday I cleaned all my windows and yesterday, I did the only thing that was left on my spring cleaning list: clean the kitchen cabinets.

When cleaning my cabinets, I remove everything and wipe down the inside of the cabinets and drawers to remove any dust or dirt. Then I rearrange everything neatly in the cabinets and drawers. 

I had given myself 1:30 hours to clean all they cabinets but it ended up taking me 3:00 hours and I'm still not 100% satisfied, but it will have to do for now. I took pictures to show you the results.

The key is to use glass jars and baskets to store food instead of leaving them in plastic bags. I am missing a container for my egg noodles that I will be getting tomorrow. You can see the bags on the second shelf from the top.

Our plastic container drawer is always upside down. Don't know how long this will last. I should take another picture in 2 weeks LOL.

 I don't like having a ton of stuff on the counter so I keep all my small kitchen appliances in a cabinet.

This drawer is also always upside down and I never seem to find what I need. Now it's clean and organised, we just have to put everything back in its place when we empty the dishwasher.

Having a plastic storage container is good the keep all your cleaning products and is easy to carry around in the house when you need to clean.

I know I should get rid of a lot of stuff because we don't use half the things we have, but I just can't. At least everything is organized for now.

How do you organize your cabinets. Do you have any tips? If you do, please share them with me.


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  1. Looking good! Least fave part about organizing is when they are all out of whack again in three days flat. No tips though, I do about the same thing except I am throw away happy...get it out get it out!

  2. I use lots of baskets to organise my cupboards and my plastic cupboard also has to be the worst - it is a nightmare to keep straight !! I also label things - not for me but so the kids and my husband know what things are and where they should go back too :)

  3. Baskets and labels are great! I blame the mess in my plastic container drawer on my husband. Well, he's the one that empties the dishwasher ;)
