Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Is there such a thing as being too honest?

We tried to start our pool this weekend and we noticed that the salt chlorinator cell was cracked. So obviously it was not working properly because water was coming out of it. 

So today, I went to Club Piscine to get another one and get my water tested at the same time. I got the chlorinator with all the products we needed to start the pool. At the cash, the girl scanned everything and I gave her my credit card to pay. Later on during the day, I noticed that somehow the chlorinator cell was not on the bill and that my total was $55.00. That made no sense since I knew the cell was around $400.00. What to do now??? Do I have extra money? No... Was that $400.00 planned in my budget? No... But can I steal something in order to save money? No... Do I wish I was able to? Right now, maybe.

So what did stupid me do? Yes, I called Club Piscine to let them know they forgot to charge me $399.99 + tax. I feel stupid in a way and in another way, I would not have been able to live with myself. The girl that answered the phone at Club Piscine said OMG your to honnest, I don't know what to do, I'll leave a message with my manager. I'm thinking, thanks for making me feel even more stupid... LOL

This is the piece I had to change

When the manager called back, she thanked me and thanked me again. She said that when she sees things like this, she knows there are still some honest  people in this world. So now I'm a great honest women who's $400.00 poorer. I wish she would have offered me a deal or not charge me the tax or something but anyway, the important thing is that I did something good and something even better will be coming my way very soon.

What would you have done in the same situation? Do you think I should have called back?


  1. hahaha wow! That is quite the discount. My husband always checks the receipts before he leaves the store, so he'd probably catch it immediately. Not sure if he would say something though, his moral compass isn't that strong haha. Mine though, I would not be able to ignore it! I'd do the same thing as you. I'd feel awful if I tried to ignore it and save some money. I applaud you!

  2. What goes around comes around and I think you're due for some good karma! I don't think you were too honest...now my husband might think so. LOL Good for you!

  3. I'm waiting for something really good to happen now ;).
