Thursday, June 26, 2014

How I Get My Kids To Eat Vegetables

As a parent, I know it can sometimes be hard to get kids to eat vegetables, but throughout the years, I came up with some tricks and ideas that make it a bit easier. When I come home from doing the groceries, I wash all my vegetables right away, cut everything up and place the vegetables in a serving platter with dip (I sometimes make the dip but that time I got it already made at the grocery store).

Here is what works for me: if I just yell, hey who want vegetables, there's a good chance, no one will answer, the trick is to wait until it's almost snack time and they are watching a good show, or outside playing on their swingset or just getting out of the pool. Then I bring the platter out with lemonade or juice and I just put it in front of them and say "here in case your hungry or thirsty". Guess what. It works every time. They just eat up those vegetables like their chips!!!

Here, they were just watching a show on TV and I put the vegetables on the living room table and they just started to eat them. If instead of putting the vegetables on the table I would have asked them if they wanted vegetables as a snack they would have said NO, I want some goldfish, a granola bar, or anything else... Now, no arguing and they are eating those veggies!!!

How do you get you kids to eat vegetables? I have more tricks under my sleeve but I'm sure I don't know them all!

Thanks for reading,



  1. haha, love it! Aria eats her veggies pretty great right now, but I'm sure as she gets older I'll need those tricks up my sleeve. Having them ready to go as an easy snack sounds great, plus not offering an alternative just putting it in front of em...good stuff!

    1. I did not have any problems with my kids eating fruits and veggies when they were younger either, my son would choose an apple over cookies and my daughter would rather have peas then fries! Now... Not so sure they would make the same choice, so I need every trick out there LOL ;)

  2. This is wonderful! I've been blogging about getting kids to eat veggies for snacks, and you've successfully figured out a great way to get it to work in real life! One additional thought: you can change up the dips. Hummus and salsa are other options that folks have recommended.

  3. Yes Anna, I'm a big fan of hummus and salsa but my kids not so much, but I guess if I just did the same thing as I do with the veggies and just put the hummus in the middle, they would try it and most likely get to like it! Thanks, for the tip, that is what I will do next time :)
