Friday, August 22, 2014

How Do I Do It All As A Working Mom - Guest Post @Breaking The Momma Mold

Today, I'm happy to be featured at  Breaking The Momma Mold. I talk about how I manage To Do It All As A Working Mom. Drop by to read my post and check out Jessica's great blog. She is so inspiring, especially if you have young kids. She gave birth to twins a month ago and she has a two year old daughter. Wow! And I'm talking about doing it all.... I wonder how she does it all.

You can read my post and check out her inspiring blog here: TGI-Featured Friday: Caroline @Do It All Working Mom.



  1. Hi Caroline: Both Jessica and you are inspiring! I understand how being so organized can really help you to do it all as a working mom! Working from home must also be a big help -- it's great that you managed to find such a job!

    1. Yes, I'm so lucky to have that job. Never thought I would be working from home one day when I started 20 years ago. That's a proof that anything can happen!
